Possessing the Promises
of God by Faith.
Romans 4:16
Tiffany Jordan Ministries (TJM) is a not-for-profit organization called to impact lives worldwide through winning the lost to Jesus Christ, equipping believers to live by faith in order to possess the promises of God, and live as Ambassadors in this earth realm, relying totally on God as their only source.
Our foundation is strategic prayer, teaching and preaching of the Word of God, leadership training, prophetic alignment, and apostolic building. We believe that God’s people will inherit what God has promised them.
TJM focuses on getting people to have an intimate relationship with God, renewing their mind to biblical principles, discovering their purpose, and ultimately walking in the good life that God has preordained.
In doing this, believers will also be able to impact lives, communities, cities, nations and dominate in the sphere of influence that they are called to.
the ministry
Tiffany Jordan Ministries exists to teach and demonstrate the gospel of the Kingdom of God worldwide – setting captives free as well as transforming lives, cities and nations for Jesus Christ.
the founder
Dr. Tiffany K. Jordan is a prophetic advisor and coach, intercessor, entrepreneur, and apostolic visionary leader. For more than a decade, she has catapulted business leaders and organizations across the globe into greater positions of influence, productivity, and profitability by teaching them how to align with purpose and hear the voice of God. Dr. Jordan has an apostolic grace to bring divine order, and a disruptive anointing to lead change, speak truth to power, and impart God’s wisdom with authority and demonstration. She is deeply passionate about training people of faith to flow effortlessly from the pulpit to the boardroom. She is anointed and called to empower Kingdom leaders to confidently and boldly walk in their God-given assignments in the marketplace.
Dr. Jordan answered the call to ministry while working for a prestigious law firm. During this time, she started a midday Bible study on the streets of downtown Chicago, which led many to develop a more intimate relationship with God; signs, wonders and miracles followed the Word. Under the mantles of prophetic intercession, and spiritual warfare and deliverance, the ministry of Dr. Jordan brings transformation by helping people to break free from generational curses and cycles, liberating them to pursue their highest potential as ambassadors of the Kingdom of God.
Ordained into ministry by Dr. Bill Winston, Dr. Jordan formerly served as Prayer Ministry Coordinator of Living Word Christian Center and as Prayer Network Manager of The Joseph Center® at Joseph Business School.
Dr. Jordan has authored several books including her latest release, Just Pray: Activating God’s Technology to Transform Your World. The Just Pray™ brand extends to training and products, including a prayer bootcamp, apparel, and a journal series.
In addition to her work in traditional ministry, Dr. Jordan has developed a proven track record as an accomplished entrepreneur. She is the founder of Tiffany Jordan Ministries (TJM), a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the global ministries of outreach, empowerment, training, and leadership development. She is also the CEO of Tiffany K. Jordan, LLC, where she provides executive life and leadership coaching, and spiritual advising. Additionally, Dr. Jordan is the founder and CEO of Covenant Connection Corporation, a consulting firm that provides Kingdom solutions for marketplace dominion. Other businesses founded by Dr. Jordan include Jordan Publishing Group; Godland Real Estate Group; and Kompass University, an online school of discipleship, coaching and mentorship. Hundreds of leaders and entrepreneurs have completed her signature programs, Life Without Limits Mentorship and Spiritual Wholeness Training, created to equip purpose-driven individuals for new realms of success.

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380 E. St. Charles Rd., #231
Lombard, IL 60148