tiffany jordan

training center

The Tiffany Jordan Training Center is the global training and support center for Tiffany Jordan Ministries. This world-class center offers leadership development, empowerment events, training, courses, and so much more for the five-fold ministry and other ministry gifts. Our team of instructors, coaches, speakers, and advisors are anointed, highly gifted, and skilled to help you increase your effectiveness and achieve greater results through your ministry assignments.

The TJTC community exists to bring clarity, knowledge, innovation, strategic concepts, and solutions to ministry leaders and their teams, so that they can thrive. With prayer and biblical principles at the foundation of all that we do, we believe that God puts His super on our natural efforts to bring forth supernatural results. The Tiffany Jordan Training Center is purposed to enhance what God has called you to do.



On-site Facility &
Online Community COMING SOON



School of Ministry – Debuting Winter 2022
Mission: To train and equip those with five-fold ministry callings to effectively take the gospel to the world; operate in their gifts; and flow in signs, wonders and miracles, so that they can go forth with power and demonstration, discipling nations. (Ephesians 4:11-12)

School of the Prophet – TBA
Mission: To equip God’s Prophets and prophetic people to function in their gift with fluidity and accuracy in any sphere of influence that they are called to.

Global Prayer Institute – TBA
Mission: To train the Body of Christ to pray effectively in an effort to enforce God’s plan on the earth.

Just Pray Global Network
A subsidiary of the Global Prayer Institute
Mission: To saturate the world with prayer and empower humanity to develop intimacy with God.

Intercessory Prayer Training 
A subsidiary of the Global Prayer Institute
Mission: To raise up an army of prayer warriors, partnering with Pastors to build God’s church at the local assembly level, and bring change to the community through the power of prayer.

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380 E. St. Charles Rd., #231
Lombard, IL 60148